Reasons Why a Non-12 Step Rehab is More Effective

The rehabilitation centers have many approaches; each has its own set benefits. Non-12 step approach is one of the most popular choices for individuals seeking recovery.

The Non-12 step program doesn’t follow any strict rules that clients have to follow rather it lays emphasizes on client’s need and preference.

There are various reasons behind the success and popularity of the Non-12 step program, a few reasonsare mentioned below.
There are many people who not only struggle with the addiction but have other disorders as well. In certain cases, these disorders can be the real cause behind addiction. The Non-12 step program investigates and offers treatment with dual diagnosis.

• The Non-12 step method includes the involvement of family in the treatment procedure. This family therapy not only helps them to leave behind the past trauma but also helps them to shape and envision a healthy future.

• The Non-12 step approach is perfect for clients who don’t believe in any higher powers. The approach doesn’t involve any specific religious belief; their only goal is to offer personalized and simple addiction free solutions with arizona drug rehab.

• The Non-12 step method helps the participants to feel comfortable and confident in comparison to other approaches. The approach doesn’t compel you to become a part of the group, even without involvement you can still be a part of their facility.

• The Non-12 step approach provides the right customized treatment for each client according to their needs. The staff members are highly qualified,and they offer multiple treatment options. Their customized treatment and care are based on what works the best for you.

• If a client requires individual personal care, they have all the resources to provide the best care. The plan of treatment is created by taking into consideration the specific situation; thiscan lead you to recovery.

• They have a variety of accredited facilities with cost-effective plans with lots of options available to choose from.

This approach is one of the most supportive facilities with well-appointed and modern amenities.

An Insight on Asbestos Health Hazards

In the recent past, there have been heated debates about asbestos and its effect on health. When something touching on health receives as much attention as the asbestos debate has, what follows is increased interest in the topic from the public.

That is a good thing. The problem is that some of the information floating in media may not be 100% correct. It’s understandable if you’re bothered enough to want to know the facts about asbestos.

Have you ever been exposed to asbestos? Do you know someone who has been? In this article, we seek to explain what asbestos is and what it does to your health. We also tell you what should worry you and how to stay safe.

Facts about Asbestos

Asbestos is a form of mineral that consists of thin and long fibers.
There are six main types of asbestos minerals.
It’s found in some types of rock.
It is among the sturdier, natural compounds on planet earth and is not easily broken down.
Based on this last property, you can see how much of a problem asbestos becomes if it enters the human body. Unlike other compounds that find their way into the body, asbestosis not broken down and the body does not have a way of getting rid of it.

What makes asbestos troublesome is the fact that it is made up of many small fibers. You wouldn’t know of its existence unless you saw a huge block of it.

Asbestos was very popular in the 20th century, but when it became apparent that it was a serious health risk, mining and use of asbestos was outlawed in many places. While it’s no longer as widely used as before, asbestos is still used in some products.

Many of the older houses were built using asbestos-containing materials. As these materials wear out, asbestos fibers are released into the environment where they mix with the air we breathe. The same happens when you crush, demolish or destroy any product that contains asbestos.

What happens when you inhale asbestos?

When you inhale asbestos, its tiny fibers get trapped in the lungs. This causes irritation in lung tissues and can lead to a number of more serious lung illnesses. Below are the most common:

Pleural disease
Pleural disease occurs when the membrane surrounding the chest and lung cavity thickens. It can also occur when fluid builds up around the lungs.

Pleural disease that is caused by extreme membrane thickening all around the cavity is referred to as diffuse pleural thickening.

Pleural disease that is caused when thickening of membrane only occurs in specific parts is referred to as pleural plaques.

Pleural disease that occurs due to fluid buildup is referred to as pleural effusion.

In some cases, pleural disease affects lung function, while in others, lung function stays normal and the patient has no difficulty in breathing.

Asbestosis refers to the scarring that asbestos causes in the lungs. This scarring makes it difficult for air to move in and out of the lungs, leading to breathing problems.

Asbestosis affects people who have been exposed to high amounts of asbestos over a long duration. It can be many years before symptoms of asbestos begin to appear.

Asbestos as a Cancer Risk

Long-term exposure to asbestos increases one’s risk of getting lung cancer. The risk is higher when the affected individual also smokes tobacco.

Asbestos has also been found to cause mesothelioma, a rare type of cancer that affects membranes in the chest and lung cavity, abdominal cavity, and other internal organs. Symptoms of mesothelioma only begin to show 30 or 40 years post-exposure to asbestos.

Asbestos has also been linked to cancers of thelarynx, pharynx, stomach, colorectum, and ovary.

Factors that Affect Risk of Disease

Asbestos quantity
The amount of asbestos in the air determines your risk level for the above diseases. If you’re exposed to small amounts of asbestos, your risk of developing illness is low, and vice versa.

Duration of exposure
Individuals who have been exposed to asbestos for many years are at the highest risk of getting sick.

Period between exposure and now
If you were exposed to asbestos recently, it may be too early to diagnose any of the diseases relating to asbestos.

Tobacco smokers have a higher risk of getting the above diseases.

Existing lung problems
Individuals with existing lung or breathing problems have a higher risk of disease.

From the above, it is clear that not everyone who has ever been exposed to asbestos will develop disease.

When the number of asbestos fibers in your body is negligible, they won’t cause any changes that can affect organ function. You can live as normal a life as the next person.

How can you reduce your risk of exposure to asbestos?

There are a number of steps you can take to ensure that you are not unnecessarily exposed to asbestos. Here are some of them:

Have regular medical check-ups. Your doctor will notice any abnormalities early enough and advice on corrective measures to take.
Avoid places that are known to contain asbestos.
The government has listed all areas that have asbestos deposits. Check whether any of these places is close to where you live.

They could be places you visit/move to in future, so always do an asbestos-check for any new area you intend to visit.

Avoid handling old products that are known to contain asbestos.
If you live in an area known to have asbestos:

Avoid walking or playing on bare ground as this could disturb asbestos fibers and cause them to fly around.
Avoid sweeping the patio or sidewalk for the same reason as 3 above.
If you have to plant a garden or play in the open ground, wet the soil to keep dust particles down.
Wet clean surfaces around your home. Don’t dust or sweep. Use a high efficiency particulate air vacuum in place of ordinary vacuum cleaners.
If your home contains asbestos, hire people to remove it. Only use people who have experience in asbestos removal so that they don’t further contaminate the house and surroundings.
Know how to stay safe even when surrounded by asbestos and you’ll have nothing to worry about.

The Amazing Health Benefits of Detoxification

Detoxification, which began as a fad a decade or so ago has now become somewhat mainstream. Today, everyone is talking about the need to detox and how important it is for overall health.

How deep have you gone into detoxification? Have you tried any radical processes or do you stick to the more well-known processes?

Do you remember what it was like during yaour first detoxification? The anxiety and excitement you experienced as you went through your first detox. Did you like the results?

The discomfort of depriving the body certain items for a specific gain. How you thought it would never come to an end.

And then, suddenly, you started feeling better. Your body felt lighter, and you were enthusiastic about life once more. This just goes to show how powerful detoxification is.

If you have never done a body detox but would like to try one, this article is meant to help you understand the process involved, benefits and what to expect.

Ready? Let’s start at the top.

What is Detoxification?

Detoxification is the removal or elimination of toxins from the body. As we go about the day, tons of toxins find their way into our bodies. They may come from:

the food we eat
the air we breathe
the environment
skin products
female hygiene products
farm products
and even homecare products.
You may be thinking that’s practically everything in the world lumped together in some broad categories. And you’re right.

A lot has changed in terms of lifestyles around the world.

Technology brought plenty of changes that saw us adopting the use of machinery instead of doing things manually, and these may have some types of emissions.

Products for use in different processes have been developed.

Not to mention the development of all kinds of personal care products. From the soaps, shampoos, body lotions, creams, oils, and make up we use to cleaning products like sprays, polishers, sheens and more, each product has an abundance of ingredients that burden the skin, and in turn, the body.

Everytime you eat something that is not natural and wholesome, you introduce more chemicals into your body, which the body needs to process and eliminate.

The body has to work extra to get rid of these items, and as it dedicates more of its resources into toxin elimination, less energy is reserved for normal physiological functions. Your body slows down as a result, and you may begin to experience unexplained bouts of fatigue, headaches, lack of energy and lethargy.

Detoxification accelerates this toxin removal process so that your body can go back to its optimal functioning condition quickly.

What are the Health Benefits of Detoxification

There are lots of amazing health benefits that come with regular detoxification. We discuss some of them below:

Detoxification improves digestion
When toxins accumulate in the body, one of the first organs to be affected is the gut.

Digestion slows down and due to reactions between the stomach acids and some of the toxins, the environment in the gut often ends up being negatively altered, and some foods may take longer to be digested.

Detoxification improves the digestion process in a number of ways.

It may increase flow of bile through the stomach, thus speeding digestion.
Some detoxification products may contain ascorbic acid which aids digestion.
Detox products act as laxatives which boost digestive function.

Reduces inflammation in the body
A high number of toxins in the body can cause chronic inflammation, which is the silent causative factor behind many serious illnesses.

The challenge with inflammation is that it may not be instantly recognizable during initial diagnosis. And so, you may end up fighting an illness for long before the doctor identifies that inflammation is to blame.

Detoxification gets rid of the toxins and free radicals responsible for this inflammation, allowing your body to heal and go back to its normal functioning state.

Detoxification Boosts Liver Function
There are plenty of things we consume that overwork the liver. Things like caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, fats, carbonated drinks, artificial flavors and colors, all cause the liver to work extra in order to get rid of all the toxins in these products.

When you detox, you give the liver a break from all this processing. In addition, it flushes toxins from the bloodstream and pushes them to be eliminated from the body.

Since most detox products are also diuretics, they increase rate of urination, the process through which toxins are expelled from the body.

Detoxification Boosts the Immune System
When you accelerate the removal of toxins from the body, you free the immune system from fighting free radicals non-top. Your body’s immunity is strengthened and you’ll be able to fight illnesses better.

Having excessive toxins in the body compromises the immune system such that it cannot ward off common infections. You end up falling ill often and have a hard time fighting simple infections like colds and the flu. Detoxification rectifies all that.

Detoxification Increases your Energy Levels
Where toxins sapped your body of all energy, detoxification steps in to supply the body with natural energy boosts from wholesome foods. As a result, you experienced sustained energy levels throughout the day.

Detoxification Improves Skin
The removal of toxins from your body results in clear and smooth skin. The skin may appear to get worse as you begin the detoxification process, but as the toxins are successfully eliminated, it starts to clear up and smoothen.

Detoxification keeps you Mentally Alert
When you detox, you get rid of the mental fog that interfered with your focus, and caused fatigue and sleeplessness.

You’ll think more clearly and have better concentration.

Detoxification Helps in Weight Loss
Often, the stubborn weight we struggle to shed is a result of all the unhealthy things we eat. Detoxification introduces you to a healthier lifestyle, where you’re careful of what you put in your mouth.

Weight loss resulting from this approach tends to be a long-term solution too, as you make these lifestyle changes permanent.

All these benefits are a direct result of detoxification. Who wouldn’t want a few of these? This makes detoxification a health goal to work towards.

Easy Ways of Keeping Fit without Jogging

Everyone is suddenly obsessed with working out. We all take note of our physical appearances and try to look the best we can. It is important to choose a healthy lifestyle so as to avoid complications or increase chances of obesity. Engaging in physical exercises, going to the gym and doing morning and evening runs are some of the ways we keep fit. While running is good as it helps you shed the fat you dislike, there are other amazing ways to help you get that shape you so much long for. If you feel like taking a break from running but still be physically fit, the following exercises are recommended.

Cycling: It is always lovely to see people cycle; whether outside on the roads or in the gym. Cycling is among the best cardiovascular exercises. Cycling increases you lung’s capacity and strengthens the heart. Indoor cycling can be a good alternative to jogging, as it is a low impact exercise. If you feel a little under the weather and cannot afford to do your routine runs outside, then cycling is just for you. Fitness junkies who want to go on with their daily exercises but can’t jog due to mild illnesses or injuries should go for indoor cycling. Cycling out with bicycles is another great way of keeping fit. You are able to breathe fresh air away from your house, and treat yourself to the beautiful views along your cycling path. Biking gives you that adrenaline rush and influence the release of neurotransmitters called endorphins. Endorphins are important as they create happy feelings and reduce stress levels. Cycling is also good for your joint mobility and muscle strength.

Skipping with a Rope: Just like running, jumping a rope is a good way of doing cardio exercise. Your energy levels are increased and the heart rate improves. You can do 3 ten minute long jumps every day, and your thighs and calf muscles will be toned. Skipping ropes is less strenuous compared to running; and one burns as much calories as they can. Not forgetting how cheap jumping ropes are compared to other gym equipment. If you’re having weight issues, skipping the rope will tremendously help you in your weight loss journey.

Yoga: Isn’t it amazing how Yoga helps calm nerves. Yoga relaxes your system and lowers your breathing rate. While doing Yoga, blood flow to the reproductive organs and intestines is increased. Yoga is also a great way of reducing your blood pressure. Yoga practices help you focus and improve your memory. Flexibility is one aspect that is greatly improved through Yoga. You may not be able to easily touch your toes or bend forward and backwards or do twists; constant Yoga practices will make this seem effortless in no time. This is also beneficial to your spine. You will pose in whichever manner you wish after a few sessions of Yoga. The drainage of lymph increases with the many movements, stretching and change in posture. The lymphatic system is thus able to fight cancerous cells, stop infections and dispose toxic waste.

Gardening: You probably did not expect to see this here. Well, gardening is great for your back and arms. You don’t have to dig large portions of land; just the small piece on your yard is enough. You engage in functional exercises each time you bend down to dig, pull out weeds, lift or stretch. The bonding with nature as you take care of your garden also improves your sensory perception. Being in your garden is a natural anti-stress agent, as the environment there is calm and quiet. Digging will have you focused on your plants and this will keep the stressful thoughts away from you. Spending at least one hour everyday at the garden, for five days a week will do you a lot of good.

Sit-Ups: So you want to lose that belly fat and running isn’t working for you? Do as many sit ups as you can. Sit ups will strengthen and tone your abdominal muscles. Sit ups can be done on the bed, the floor or any flat surface. For that flat tummy, ensure you do your sit ups correctly. It also helps keep you r metabolism system running smoothly

Swimming: Swimming is another low impact cardiovascular exercise that can be substituted for running. Jump in the pool and swim away if you are bored of running but still want to burn calories. Depending on the intensity of your strokes, you can burn up to 100 calories by swimming for just ten minutes. Swimming reduces inflammation which often leads to atherosclerosis build up in the heart. If you yearn for flexibility, then swimming is an exercise you should pay attention to. As you change your strokes, you stretch and twist thus leading to flexibility. You can also do slow runs in the pool. Aqua jogging is a great exercise while in the pool. While it’s difficult to run inside the water, little laps will take away your joint impact. Another bonus to running in water is that you will not get sweaty or smelly at the end. If that is not a plus, I don’t know what is. While you are also less likely to be injured while jogging in the pool, always be careful. Swimming will help you tone your body.

Elliptical Workouts: For just thirty minutes a day on the elliptical machine, you will be able to burn more fat that you can imagine. The secret is to not stick with just one routine. Do your elliptical work outs in intervals. You can choose either five or ten minute intervals. Start with a steady pace and keep increasing the machine’s incline or decline setting. With the incline steady, double the speed for three minutes and recover for one or two minutes. Together with a positive mentality and healthy diet, the elliptical machine will help you cut weight. The cross trainer is good for booty workout as with time, you will realize that your backside is toned.

As much as we exercise, a healthy diet is also required to achieve that shape we all dream of. Avoid the intake of junk foods just before or after working out. Our daily habits also contribute to the results of how we work out. Use the stairs any time you can. Don’t take the elevator to the first or second floor. Remember lots of water, and be committed to your routine.